Friday, March 30, 2018

70% off “The Klavier Bundle” by Audio Imperia -Limited Time! Link in Desription

“The Klavier Bundle” is a unique duo of hybrid piano instruments specifically designed for Epic Trailer Music, Underscore and Hybrid Orchestral Cues.

Combining the very best of the worlds of raw/organic recordings and post-production/sound design these instruments will bring you instant inspiration!

22GB+ Of Out Of This World Hybrid Piano Sounds!

Originally part of Audio Imperia’s “Private Stock Instruments” series
these libraries were developed as a private sample library for a group
of trailer composers, the result is two incredibly expressive

The goal throughout the whole project for Audio Imperia was to start
with the user experience and the raw sound and to work their way
backwards to a final product that is both versatile and instantly


Tuesday, March 20, 2018

70% off “RealiDrums” by Realitone (Kontakt Player Compatible)

Welcome to your new favorite drum library – With “RealiDrums”, you’ll be working faster, you’ll be getting the best sounds available, and most importantly, you’ll be having more fun doing it!
With 117 different drums and cymbals, plus sidesticks and percussion elements, a revolutionary Groove Generator and a fast and intuitive workflow this is the biggest and best drum collection you can buy!

This Is Not A “Normal” Drum Library… Here’s Why:

RealiDrums is not like other drum libraries. Check out the video to see why, but some if the great features include:
  • The BIGGEST drum collection you can buy – 42 different Snares, 7 different Kicks, 11 Hi Hats, 24 Rides, 33 Crash Cymbals, plus Sidesticks and percussion elements. These aren’t just different mixes – these are different drums!
  • The fastest workflow – This means you can find the sound you need *fast*. No tweaking and tweaking, trying to massage the wrong drum into what you wish it sounded like. With RealiDrums, simply try another drum. And then another. All quickly, with no wait for load times.
  • The most fun groove generator – select a beat and modify it easily
Best of all… this library runs in the Free Kontakt Player, which you can download HERE so no additional software is needed!

Find Instant Inspiration in the Built-in Groove Generator!

The Groove Generator in “RealiDrums” works completely differently to most other drum plugins. First you select a beat in a given style (from) , then you can begin to modify it to sound busier or simpler by simply moving the “Complexity Sliders”.

These Complexity Sliders are independent, so you can make the hi hat busier, but make the kick simpler and maybe add sparse (or busy) toms to the rhythm, too. There is also have a master slider if you want to adjust all the elements at one.

Now let’s suppose you want hi hat instead of ride. That’s easy. Just turn off the hi hat button and click the ride button. Or maybe you’d like toms to get involved in the rhythm. Just select it, the move the Complexity Slider until it’s playing what you want.

Want a crash cymbal on the downbeat? Turn on the crash button and move the Complexity Slider to the left (for the most basic crash pattern.) Or if you want your drummer to bang those crashes, turn up the slider until it’s just right.
The theory behind the Groove Generator was to make it feel as close to working with a real drummer as possible.
For instance, if a drummer was with you right now, you might say, “Give me a surfer beat for this song.” He’ll play a surfer beat, then you might say, “No, that’s too busy. Can you make it simpler?” Or you might say, “That sounds cool, but I was hoping for the rhythm part to be on toms, instead of hi hat.”
That’s exactly how ther Groove Generator works. It’s interactive, and you’re actually *creating* music, instead of “assembling” a track by searching through countless MIDI loops.
Prefer working in midi tracks? Use the Groove Generator as a starting point. Drag and drop any of the midi grooves into your host DAW tracks then edit to your heart’s content. Any way you like to work, this will get your track up and moving in no time at all!
Of course! You’ll find the fills on keyswitches, so you can play them anywhere in the beat, and they will automatically play in sync and adjust in length so they make musical sense. We guarantee you’re going to find yourself playing around with a beat and adding fills, just because it’s so fun!

Normally €250 – get it at 70% off before its gone!

  • 70% off the normal price (normally €250)!
  • The biggest (and best sounding) drum collection you can buy!
  • 42 different Snares
  • 7 different Kicks
  • 11 Hi Hats, 24 Rides
  • 33 Crash Cymbals
  • Sidesticks and percussion elements
  • Revolutionary Groove Generator with Complexity Sliders – just like working with a real drummer!
  • Comprehensive Mixer including Pan & High/Mid/Low EQ
  • Effects Sends for Reverb & Compression
  • Four mic mixes including Close Rock, Room & Beast!
  • PC/Mac compatible. Runs in all sequencers.
  • Note: This library runs in the Free Kontakt Player, which you can download HERE
  • Perfect for all sorts of genres including Rock, Punk, Funk, Pop and much more!

Last Chance- Sales ENDING Tonight & Tomorrow!

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

60% off ECLIPSE by Wide Blue Sound (VST/AU/AAX) - Limited Time Deal !!

ECLIPSEis designed for easily creating dark and brooding, evolving soundscapes and atmospheric textures.
With a critically-acclaimed intuitive interface, you can create rich, deep atmospherics in motion that are perfect for Trailer Music, Cinematic Underscore, Ambient Music and anything that requires a dark, pulsing, cinematic sound!

Create Dark, Brooding and Infinitely Evolving Soundscapes

ECLIPSE is a unique sound engine for creating rich and complex dark sounds.
  • Dark drones & textures
  • Aggressive, stuttered rhythms
  • Ominous pulses
  • Constantly evolving pads
  • Pulsing synths
  • Tempo-sync’d atmospheres.
The Orbital Synthesis engine morphs between four creative sound sources to create amazing tonal pulses, edgy hybrid rhythms, and dreamy atmospheric beds, all evolving infinitely over time.
With over 62 million starting points, it’s virtually impossible to come up with the same sound as someone else. Yet with so much control, creating amazing sounds is eons faster than with any other synth.
Note: This library is compatible with the free Kontakt Player (VST/AU/AAX ) 5.5.1 or above! Download it HERE

Begin by Combining 4 Unique Sound Sources

To begin creating your sound, simply choose your 4 sound sources to combine. The 101 different sound sources are divided into three categories:
  • Simple drones & shifting textures
  • Complex –  dark & disturbing desolation, deprivation & post apocalyptic doom and gloom
  • Asylum – the extremes of derangement, torture and aggression
Not sure where to start? Use one of the 250 presets! Get started with a preset, then tweak it to make it your own or use the randomize option

Send Through the Triple Design Engine to Pulse, Chop & Flow

Once you’ve selected your 4 layered sounds, you can choose how these sounds go through the next step of the chain through three distinct rhythmic engines:
  • PULSE MODE – Create modern percussive elements
  • CHOP MODE – Craft an electronic or stuttered style
  • FLOW MODE – Produce one-of-a-kind pads and textures
You can even morph between modes seamlessly and in-time, using the built in sequencer.
The effects page effortlessly sculpts your sound with delays, multiple modulations, diverse distortions.
It also includes a special convolution engine that includes both practical creative impulses and beautiful reverbs from world-class hardware units commonly used in cinematic production.
ECLIPSE has 4 independent sequencers that modulate 24 useful parameters to further the creation of interesting, musical, and evolving sounds. Each sequencer has its own playback rate and extends up to 64 steps.
Automatically generate new patterns, or process what’s already there in dozens of innovative ways. Then play it forward, reverse, both, or even random. Beautiful sequences are only a click away.
Native Hardware Integration
NKS enables intuitive, seamless interaction between plug-in instruments and KOMPLETE KONTROL S-Series keyboards and MASCHINE hardware.
Note: This library is compatible with the free Kontakt Player 5.5.1 or above! Download it HERE

Normally €122 – get it at 60% before its gone!

  • 60% off the normal price (normally €122)!
  • Fun, intuitive UI that will have you designing immediately
  • 101 Sound Sources
  • 294 Million Sound Permutations
  • 3 Distinct Rhythmic Engines – Pulse, Chop & Flow
  • 4 Powerful Modulation Sequencers: pencil tool not required
  • Full FX Rack with fine-tuned Convolve Engine
  • Full Orbital Synthesis Engine
  • Add Power, Drama & Edge To Your Tracks
  • 250 Track Starting Presets
  • Requires Kontakt or Kontakt Player 5.5.1, PC or Mac
  • In it’s compressed state, ECLIPSE is 600MB.
  • Perfect for Epic Trailer Music, Sound Design, Underscore and Ambient Music!

Saturday, March 10, 2018

75% Off the Ultimate EDM Toolkit by Kilohearts - A Total of 28 Audio Plugins !

For just $99, get the Ultimate EDM Toolkit by Kilohearts! That’s at an amazing 75% off ($300 savings). This huge toolkit contains the kHs toolbox, a bundle of 26 audio effects called “Snapins” and Snap Heap, a Snapin Host that ties everything together to bring out interesting effects. The toolkit also contains the award winning Multipass tool, a second and more powerful Snapin Host for a combined total of 28 plugins. Great value at this price point, don’t miss out!

key Features

  • Toolkit contains 26 high-quality audio effect building blocks and Snap Heap, the perfect tool for combining them
  • Incredible ease of use and versatility which leads to more creativity and inspiration.
  • User interfaces are very easy to use and understand, saving you valuable time and helping you focus on creating that next hit track.
  • VST 2 compatible
  • Audio Unit compatible
  • AAX compatible
  • Available as Reason Rack Extension
  • Runs on Mac OSX 10.7 or greater, 32bit and 64bit
  • Runs on Windows 7 or greater, 32bit and 64bit
 Check out Most of the Plugins in the Video Below

 This is an awesome bundle but will only be on Sale for 2 Weeks. Get it now while you can. I can honestly say this is a 5 out of 5 bundle Deal! There's no better chance to save $300 on these Kilohearts plugins!!

Friday, March 2, 2018

Plughugger 'The Void' for Omnisphere 2- Review & Patch Walkthrough

The Void is an ambient and cinematic soundset for Omnisphere 2 with the focus on sounds with a slow meditative character.

The majority of the sounds are built upon the factory recordings in Omnisphere: bells, ethnic chants and assorted instruments from India and Asia such as Sitars, Chinese Temple Flutes and of course Tibetan Singing Bowls. These sounds were then layered, processed and stretched with the granular engine into entirely new sounds and soundscapes.
the void is an ambient soundset
with focus on slow
meditative soundscapes
To really bring out the meditative character of the sounds we also recorded a handful of vocals clips typical for guiding in meditation.

The Void contains 202 sounds in the following categories:
  • 15 Arpeggios/Sequences
  • 9 Ethnic World sounds
  • 13 Human Voices
  • 8 Pads & Strings
  • 11 Poly Synth sounds
  • 96 Textures and Soundscapes
  • 50 Multi sounds
I found this to be a very unique, immersive library for Omnisphere 2. The video I made above is about an 1 hour and a half of every patch. You get 202 sounds 152 singles + 50 multis all at the regularly price of 19.90 Euro. This is an awesome value for anyone looking for some new original unique sounds for their Omnisphere 2 library. I already have a song I wrote that will be on my new album coming out later this year. Check out all the sounds in the video above.

 Available at

Thursday, March 1, 2018

63% off “The Keyboard Bundle” by Acoustic Samples (VST/AU/RTAS/AAX) - DEAL!

The Keyboard Bundle” is a collection of three classic 60’s/70’s keyboards that have been deeply sampled and lovingly scripted to be as intuitively musical and playable as possible.
Each instrument in this collection has it’s own highly distinctive sound and they lend themselves well to many music genres including Rock, Pop, Jazz, and Funk!

Deep Sampled & Highly Playable Iconic Keyboards

“The Keyboard Bundle” is a collection of three highly playable and iconic 60’s/70’s keyboard instruments that are perfect for everything from Funk and Underscore to Rock and Jazz.
This collection includes the following instruments:

All of the instruments in this bundle have been lovingly recorded and scripted to bring you the most faithful recreations ever of their real life counterparts in one insanely priced bundle!
All of these products use the free UVI Workstation and don’t require any other software to function!

Clavi D9 – Based on The Clavinet D6 by Hohner

The Clavi D9 is probably one of the most “funky” instruments ever invented, despite the fact that it was originally intended for classical music as its sound is close to the hapsichord. It turns out that it was very well suited to replace or double a rhythmic guitar and was used in many Funk and Disco hits.
This is a 2.76GB library built for the UVI Workstation (free) and UVI recorded every aspect of the Mark79 from both the direct output using a state of the art DI (Universal Audio Solo 610) and also using a pair of microphones right above the keys next to where the head of a player would be, including:
  • Normal notes
  • Staccatos
  • Releases Adjustmens
  • Velocity Layer Transitions
  • Sympathetic Resonances
… and more to give you the most authentic Clavinet sound possible! All of these details allows you to easily reproduce the sound of playing this classic instrument!
This library also comes with a number of addtional features that allow you to customise the sound perfectly to your particular playing or music style:
  • Advanced Wah – Including several different Wah models that can be assigned to any controller and an auto-Wah feature.
  • Amp Simulation – Choose from a selection of classic amps including Twin Reverb, Bassman, Rhodes Amp, SilverFace & Fender 212
  • Effects – Including a Spring Reverb, Distortion, Tremolo, Flanger, Chorus and a Phaser, plus the original four switch “EQ” control.
  • MIDI Controls – Fine tune the playability of the instrument  with Velocity Sensitivity, Velocity Threshold, Dynamics and Velocity Curve controls.
For more in-depth information on everything this library has to offer read the full description and technical details HERE

Wurlie – Based on a Wurlitzer 206A Student Model

The Wurlitzer 206A very similar to a 200A except for its beige color and built in amp/speaker (it also did not come with a tremolo). It was designed to be paired with a 206, which is the teacher model and they were mainly used in conservatories. The teacher had a headphone and microphone to be able to listen to each student individually and talk to them without others hearing them.
Once equipped with a DI output and a tremolo system (this is a very common and easy mod with just a few components to solder on the preexisting holes in the original circuit board) the 206A sounds exactactly like a 200A with the exception that it also has a built in amp that is more powerfull and has more bass than the two small front speakers of the 200A’s.
Authentic Reed Sound
This is a 1.21GB library built for the UVI Workstation (free). UVI recorded every aspect of the Wurlie from both the direct output using a state of the art DI (Universal Audio Solo 610) and also using a pair of microphones right above the keys next to where the head of a player would be:
  • Normal notes
  • Staccatos
  • Releases
  • Sympathetic resonances for both pedal up and down
  • Precise Resonance Model
This library also comes with a number of addtional features that allow you to customise the sound perfectly to your particular playing or music style:
  • Spring reverb
  • Tube Distortion
  • Analog Chorus
  • Analog Flanger
The “Wurlie” is truly the most detailed and accurate recreation of the famous reeds electric piano sound!
For more in-depth information on everything this library has to offer read the full description and technical details HERE


Mark 79 – based on a 1979 Mark II 73 Keys Electric Piano

The first Mark II were identical to the Mark I’s in terms of sound generation part, meaning that the hammers, hammer tips, the tines and the amplification were the same as the late Mark I models.
That being said, there is a noticeable difference when compared to the early Mark I models, the tines were not made of the same exact material and ended up producing a more even sound with aslightly less highs and a more controlled bass. The attack and sustain characteristics changed a little as well.
All this when added to the hammer tips changes make the MarkII sound different from an early Mark I and deliver the tones of the well known Chick Corea “Return to forever” sound.
Authentic Tine Sound
This is a 3.45GB library built for the UVI Workstation (free) and UVI took great care in recording this library, sampling every possible aspect of the instrument including:
  • Normal notes
  • Staccatos
  • Releases
  • Precise Resonance Model
Giving you the most authentic and playable Mark II sound possible!
This library also comes with a number of addtional features that allow you to customise the sound perfectly to your particular playing or music style:
  • Acoustic / Electric volume controls.
  • Amp Simulation – Choose from a selection of classic amps including Twin Reverb, Bassman, Rhodes Amp in Mono & Stereo, SilverFace & Fender 212
  • EQ, Bass and Treble –  a parametric EQ with the two knobs available on the real EP.
  • Vibrato – the stereo pan of electric pianos is really a part of the sound, here you can control the amount and speed of it.
  • Effects – Including a Spring Reverb & Tube Distortion.
  • MIDI Controls – Fine tune the playability of the instrument  with Velocity Sensitivity, Dynamics and Velocity Curve controls.
For more in-depth information on everything this library has to offer read the full description and technical details HERE

Normally €267 – get it at 63% off before its gone!

  • 63% off the normal price (normally €267)!
  • A massive 7.42GB of content!
  • Clavi D9
  • 2,76Gb uncompressed, 553Mb compressed in lossless flac format, around 4500 samples.
  • Precise simulation of the original filters.
  • Separation of both pickups and independant volume.
  • High quality Amp simulations with the most used models.
  • Real Wah effect with different pedal models.
  • Complete FX selection with Phaser, Flanger, Tremolo, Chorus, Distortion and Spring Reverb.
  • Mark79
  • 3.45Gb uncompressed, 1.46Gb compressed in lossless flac format, around 2532 samples.
  • 10 Velocity layers for the sustain, 10 Velocities for the release.
  • Time based release samples for accurate staccato sound.
  • Sustain pedal noises (up and down), triggered automatically.
  • Independant mix of the acoustic/electric sound.
  • EQ, Autopan, Tremolo, Saturation, Spring Reverb effects and Amp simulation.
  • Wurlie
  • 1.21Gb uncompressed, 278Mb compressed in lossless flac format, around 3123 samples.
  • 10 Velocity layers for the sustain, 20 Velocities for the release.
  • Time based release samples for accurate staccato sound.
  • Sustain pedal noises (up and down), triggered automatically.
  • Independant mix of the acoustic/electric sound.
  • Sympathetic resonance on both pedal up and down.
  • EQ, Saturation, chorus and flanger & Spring Reverb effects.
  • Vibrato simulation & Amp simulation of the real cabinet.
  • All Libraries
  • Complete Control over the MIDI response of the libraries.
  • Advanced UVI scripting giving you access to a simple yet powerful interface and advanced features.
  • Windows 7 and higher (32 and 64-bit), Core Duo or faster processor, 4 GB of RAM
  • Mac OS X 10.7 and higher (32 and 64-bit), Mac Intel processor, 4 GB of RAM
  • A VST/AU/AAX compatible host application
  • Note: This library requires you to create a free iLok account HERE, however you DO NOT need to own a physical key!
  • Perfect for Pop, Rock, Funk, Jazz music and much, much more!


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