Showing posts with label kontakt 5 instruments. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kontakt 5 instruments. Show all posts

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Evolution Dragon & Atlantica Sample Library Bundle from KEEPFOREST - 70% off!
For just $89, get the Evolution Bundle from KEEPFOREST (70% off!). This collection, which includes Evolution: Atlantica and Evolution: Dragon, was specifically recorded and designed with trailer music composers in mind. Both libraries contain a large and sophisticated amount of libraries and tools presented in an easy to use GUI designed to save you time. This amazing deal is only available until November 1st, you don’t want to miss this!

    12.5GB of hard drive space required
    Samples come in .wav format, 48KHZ / 24BIT
    Over 220 Kontakt instruments
    Ability to load and save modulation and sequencer presets
    Custom GUI and scripts
    Pulse and synth menus
    Ability to mix and combine different synths
    Requires full version of Kontakt 5.5.1 or higher (not compatible with free Kontakt player)


Saturday, September 23, 2017

ARPOLOGY – Sample Logic Deal, Walkthrough, & REVIEW ! 75% OFF- LIMITED TIME! The Next Step in Music

Sample Logic in collaboration with Ask Audio offer ARPOLOGY™ for just $99 (75% off) HERE
ARPOLOGY is the world’s first virtual instrument and MIDI effect dedicated entirely to arpeggiated/sequenced instruments. 
This deal ends on October 4th, don't be late to the party!

Instruments & Multis
In the design of ARPOLOGY, Sample Logic felt that it was important to use a wide spectrum of instrument recordings spanning all genres and sound types such as: choirs, woodwinds, brass, strings, world instruments, sound effects, various field recordings, industrial tools, machinery, synths, and much more. Sample material was carefully and selectively hand picked from key sample sets from the entire Sample Logic vault of over 200 gigabytes of already recorded material used in SL's previous products. Once gathered and selected, this material was then used as the clay, which now has been morphed and animated into a series of never before heard instruments that will blow anyone away.

The instruments are divided into 3 main categories:
  • Cinematic / Organic
  • Electronic / Effectual
  • Percussive
Multis are also divided into 2 categories:

  • Instrument Stacks
  • One Note Glory                                                                                                             


  • Over 550 Instruments and Multis delivered at 44.1k/24-bit.
  • Just over 5.25 GB sample library using Kontakt’s lossless sample storage compression
  • Includes TouchOSC preset to control the ARPOLOGY interface (Designed for iPad running TouchOSC - sold separately) *Presets are compatible with Android OS, but not tested.
  • Requires Kontakt 5 Player (free) or Kontakt 5 (sold separately) Version 5.5 or higher
  • Mac OS X 10.9, or higher, Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB RAM (6GB recommended)
  • Windows 7, 8, or 10 (latest Service Pack, 32/64 Bit), Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD AthlonTM 64 X2, 4 GB RAM (6GB recommended)
  • 5.3 GB free disk space for ARPOLOGY sample content
  • 1 GB free disk space for Kontakt 5 Player                                                                                                

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Alchemist Bundle by String Audio - Review
In the video below, Sample Sound Review will Explore this mighty sample library bundle by auditioning a lot of the sounds and give the latest review. Read more about this instrument bundle below.
"Once in a while you get immersed in a world of Soundscapes that transport your creativity to a whole new level, Alchemist is it." - GARETH PROSSER - Composer, Guitarist and Member of the BLUE MAN GROUP

"Don't skip Alchemist by String Audio, great stuff. Simple, minimalist interface, powerful ways to shape the sound and TONS of excellent sample content." - CHARLIE CLOUSER - Composer of the SAW films and former keyboardist on NINE INCH NAILS

---"From great percussive pulses to amazing pads and textures Alchemist is my perfect solution for a fast but advanced creation of dynamic and modern sounding score. I highly recommend!" - INON ZUR - 3 Times BAFTA nominated and multi award-winning composer (Fallout, Crysis, Syberia 3)
ALCHEMIST Cinematic Textures and Impacts are two powerful tools for Kontakt to create deep and complex cinematic sounds.

Each instrument is composed of six layers.
The libraries feature several GB of sample material, giving you a lot of combinations and sound colors.

Alchemist Engine is divided into four sections: Main, Color, Motion and Effects.

Alchemist Cinematic Textures:
18+GB of original sample material (7GB using Kontakt's lossless sample storage compression). 3000+ high-quality samples. 6 layers. 250 pre-programmed Snapshots. Dedicated Main Engine: Individual layer controls for pitch, volume, pan, solo, mute, effects bypass, layer lock, envelope, layer boost and cut, pan and amp LFO send. Powerful randomize function. Dedicated Motion Engine: Arpeggiator, Pan and Amp LFO. Dedicated Color Engine: 65 convolution Impulse Responses, Randomize function. Dedicated Effect Engine: skreamer, lo-fi, chorus, tape saturation, delay, chorus and distortion (controlled by the modulation wheel.

Alchemist Cinematic Impacts: 1.6GB of original sample material (full quality Wav files). 300+ high-quality samples. 6 layers. 151 pre-programmed Snapshots. Dedicated Main Engine: Individual layer controls for pitch, volume, pan, solo, mute, effects bypass, layer lock, envelope, layer boost and cut, pan and amp LFO send. Powerful randomize function. Dedicated Motion Engine: Arpeggiator, Pan and Amp LFO. Dedicated Color Engine: 65 convolution Impulse Responses, Randomize function. Dedicated Effect Engine: skreamer, lo-fi, chorus, tape saturation, delay, chorus and distortion (controlled by the modulation wheel.

Minimum System Requirements Requires FULL retail version (sold separately) of Kontakt 5.5.1.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Sample Logic 'Arpology' (Sample Sound Review) Part 3: 'Percussive Impacts' Walkthrough

ARPOLOGY  is  the world’s first virtual instrument and MIDI effect dedicated entirely to arpeggiated/sequenced instruments. ARPOLOGY goes far beyond, breaking the box of the everyday arpeggiator. It employs an entirely new approach to step sequencing. The core of ARPOLOGY has been designed around Sample Logic’s newest invention, the powerful Step Animator – a step-sequencer and arpeggiator fused into a single engine for animating complex melodic and rhythmic patterns on a per-step basis, eliminating the limitations of traditional sequencing. ARPOLOGY is powered by Kontakt player and is not only an amazing sample library of 550+ instruments and multis spanning all musical genres, but is also a MIDI effect with the ability to transfer Step Animator patterns to any virtual instrument loaded in a DAW.
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Sample Logic 'Arpology' (Sample Sound Review) Part 2: 'Instrument Stacks' Walkthrough

ARPOLOGY  is  the world’s first virtual instrument and MIDI effect dedicated entirely to arpeggiated/sequenced instruments. ARPOLOGY goes far beyond, breaking the box of the everyday arpeggiator. It employs an entirely new approach to step sequencing. The core of ARPOLOGY has been designed around Sample Logic’s newest invention, the powerful Step Animator – a step-sequencer and arpeggiator fused into a single engine for animating complex melodic and rhythmic patterns on a per-step basis, eliminating the limitations of traditional sequencing. ARPOLOGY is powered by Kontakt player and is not only an amazing sample library of 550+ instruments and multis spanning all musical genres, but is also a MIDI effect with the ability to transfer Step Animator patterns to any virtual instrument loaded in a DAW.
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