Monday, November 11, 2019

REVIEW: MAJESTICA VOL.2 for OMNISPHERE 2 by Rocky Mountain Sounds

This is the 2nd volume in the the Majestica series for Omnisphere 2. Hybrid live performance and studio-ready pads. Volume 2 journeys into the wonderful and expansive world of swelling and sparkling pads, bell pads, plucks and guitars.


Majestica Vol 2 contains 75 patches, 20 multis, 40 soundsources,
and also comes with MainStage 3 patches pre-mapped for Worship Essentials’ Patch Designer.

Patch Categories

Bass – 1
Bell Pads – 8
BPM Pads – 12
Guitars – 10
Pads – 37
Pluck Pads – 4
Stutter Pads – 3
Total Patches = 75
Multi Categories
Bell Pads – 5
BPM Pads – 1
Guitars – 5
Pluck Pads – 4
Bonus – 5
Total Multis = 20


I never played the first Majestica for Omnisphere 2, and I see now it was a missed opportunity. There is no denying it, Majestica Vol. 2 grabbed my attention. The first note I pressed was a BPM Pad called Pulsating Amber Skies in the ARP+BPM category, and from that point, I knew this library must be special. Majestica 2 contains 75 patches, 20 multis, created from 40 sound sources including, a Korg Radias, Dave Smith Prophet 12, Behringer DeepMind 12, and field recordings all recorded in 24-bit/96 khz. There are so many patches in this library that are instantly playable and inspiring right out of the box. Majestica 2 was created by sound designer Jason Schoepfer who hails from Calgary, Canada and has released a plethora of libraries for Spectrasonics Omnisphere 2, Keyscape, and Apple's Mainstage Logic Pro X.

Returning to the ARP+BPM, I found many notable patches including, a two-layered synth pad called Pulsating Motions, and thick, epic pad called Radias Brass that stood out to be musically stimulating. However, when I came upon the Return to Majestica 1 & 2 patches, I felt exhilarated. These pads use all 4 layers in Omnisphere 2 and employ the Power Filter FX rack that creates a stutter effect controlled by the modwheel.

Inside Bells and Vibes, you'll find eight shimmering ambient Bell Pads that are meditative and filled with an alluring radiance. As I played the patches, I felt a restored type of vibe that was both calming and emotive. 

There are a total of 10 clean ambient guitars within this soundset that have that soul-stirring type of sound. Two guitar patches called Journey to Moraine 1 & 2 are layered with an ethnic Ryukyu flute and custom prophet 12 soundsource. Consequently, this soundset drew inspiration from the glacially-fed Moraine Lake in Alberta, Canada, surrounded by the magnificent Rocky Mountains. The rest of the guitars are all layered with original textures and original pad sound sources. The guitars are beautiful, melodic, and engaging.

There is only one synth bass called Deep Pulse that does have an ARP programmed to it if you turn it on. It's a warm, fat, full, robust bass that uses all four layers including, a Juno 60 Saw, Juno 60 Sub, and a Bass Station II. 

The largest category of presets is, of course, the 37 Pads that are immersive, dreamy, cinematic, and heavenly. You know they're good when you feel those goosebumps come on after you start playing them. I felt like I was on a spiritual journey of discovery. These pads would compliment any score needing that passionate, thought-provoking, and heartwarming touch. 

Lastly, there's a collection of 20 strong multi patches that demonstrates the spirit of the library. There is also five multis designed by Composer/Producer Bob Dedes of ManFighterMusic

Before I end my review, I want to say that I created some engaging movement within the pads by activating the Orb within Omnisphere. The Orb is a great tool to change a patch into something entirely unique. 

This library would be useful in inspirational films, dramas, documentaries, contemporary worship music, and much more. Even though I looked long and hard for a con, I couldn't find one. 

Majestica Vol. 2 is no less than Majestic and deserves my highest praise!

5 Out of 5 Stars

Written by Steve Montgomery 
(Infinite Mindscape & Darkmood)

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