Gothic Instruments is the brain child of British producer and sound
designer Dan Graham. Dan has produced sample libraries including Animato and Rise Designer
(Zero G) and is also the founder of Gothic Storm Music. Alessandro
Camnasio is the sound designer behind a lot of the sounds found in
Gothic Instruments titles, and has worked on countless Hollywood films
and movie trailers.
Gothic Instruments currently develop innovative, easy to use,
software tools for two main product lines – DRONAR is a series of sound
design libraries for Kontakt dedicated to creating rich, complex and
expressive soundscapes, atmospheres and pads. Each module is based on a
specific category/instruments with strings and guitars utilised so far
and more instruments on the horizon.
SCULPTOR is a series of SFX creation tools, again for the full
version of Kontakt. To date, these have been dedicated to impacts and
whooshes, delivering monumental, energetic sounds to drive the emotions
of your listeners - whether they be cinema audiences or dance music