Monday, July 17, 2023

FREEBIE: TAL UNO 62 Progressive House Soundpack by EDMsoundware

EDMSoundware Releases a New Free Soundpack
'TAL UNO 62 Progressive House Soundpack' is a freeware soundpack for the TAL UNO 62 synthesizer. Soundpack was built to give You 2 Progressive House templates which can be opened in 3 various DAWS. Each of Daw Project that is inside this soundpack, are presented in an audio demo that you can pre-hear them easily.

Really interesting is the fact that, You can open this free soundpack, using free synth and free DAW-Waveform free, when You don't have Fl Studio.
DAW Projects:

2 Progressive House construction kits in: FL STUDIO v11 and 20, WAVEFORM FREE formats. Names: Progressive House 1, Progressive House 2

The soundpack is available for download for free. This soundpack was done by Pro Soundesigner Lukas Jankowski in Poznan,Poland.

Freeware Bonus:

Buy 5 payware products to unlock the Bonus section automaticly.

Check the bonus soundpacklist here.

Bonus Forum:

This product zone is ready to be downloaded by you. Only thing what you need to do is buy some payware product, and when You like it, give good opinion post, for example at kvr or VI Control forums or any other.

Then mail me at: with link to your post. After that I am manually giving your account access to this area.
You just hopping into desired product and click download. That's it!
Check the bonus sound packlist here.


Fl studio 11 or 20 32 bits and 64 bits by Image Line - payware

Waveform free 11 64 bit by Traction- freeware

Tal Uno 62 by Tal- freeware

Tal Reverb 2 by Tal - freeware

Loudmax by Thomas Mundt - freeware

Samples percussion freeware - various from daw

used versions: 32 bits and 64 bits


This products is Royalty Free.

Edmsoundware is not responsible for any loss. You are using this product for Your own risk.

The kick drum, clap, hats in the demos are for demonstration purposes, and are not included in the soundpack. Freeware: TAL UNO 62 synth, Tal Dub II. Tal Reverb II, Loudmax, Tracktion DAW and Payware: Fl Studio , Waveform free DAWS are required.


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