Friday, March 11, 2022



For a Limited Time get 75% OFF: High Score Ultimate Bundle by Renegade Soundplay


Only $29.95 (normally $122)

Also included are 3 essential preset packs for High Score: Super Retro, 8-bit Drums and Anniversary Edition.

High Score was designed from the ground up with ease of use in mind so you don’t have to rely on using old vintage hardware or hard to use tracker programs.

High Score is the essential 1980s video game sound generator plugin. Recreate the sounds of 1980s video games and computers with ease. No need to use old hardware or hard-to-use tracker programs. Recreate the sounds of the NES, Gameboy, Commodore 64, Atari 2600, TI-99/4A, and more!

Features a built in step arpeggiator to play chiptune arpeggios at the press of a single key. Features the Randomizer where you can randomly create sounds by category.

Features a built-in speaker simulator to sound like your music is coming right from original 1980s gear. Features built in 1980s computer-speech sounds and two banks of computer-speech words. Comes with 300 awesome retro-tastic presets. High Score is NKS ready to seamlessly integrate into the Native Instruments ecosystem. And much more.

Super Retro Preset Pack for High Score
High Score just got even better with the Super Retro Preset Pack. This preset pack adds 50 awesome retro-80s video game presets that are ready to use in your productions. These presets are only found in this preset pack.

Preset Types Include:
+ Bass
+ Leads
+ Drums
+ Sound FX
+ Arpeggios
+ Sweeps
+ Bells
+ Keys
+ and more 8-Bit Goodness!

All presets are NKS ready to seamlessly integrate into the Native Instruments ecosystem.

8-Bit Drums Preset Pack for High Score
The High Score 8-Bit Drums Preset Pack makes your music sound like it’s 1985! This preset pack adds 65 awesome retro-80s video game drum presets that are ready to use in your productions. In addition to individual drum hits, this pack contains tempo-syncable drum patterns that play at the press of a single key.

These presets are only found in this preset pack. Preset Types Include:
+ kicks
+ snares
+ Hi-Hats
+ Toms
+ Risers
+ Drops
+ Fills
+ Ready-To-Use 1980s video game Drum Patterns
+ and more 8-Bit Goodness!

Drum patterns and some other presets are tempo-syncable to your host application. All presets are NKS ready to seamlessly integrate into the Native Instruments ecosystem.

Anniversary Edition Preset Pack for High Score
The Anniversary Edition Preset Pack celebrates the one-year anniversary of the release of our flagship product, High Score. 

High Score was launched from a successful Kickstarter campaign in 2020. One of the Kickstarter rewards was a special Kickstarter-only preset pack that was not available to the general public…until now. 

We’ve taken all 65 presets from the Kickstarter preset pack and added 11 all new retro presets for a total of 76 presets.

These presets are ready to use in your productions! Preset Types Include:
+ Leads
+ Bass
+ Keys
+ Pads
+ 8-Bit Orchestral
+ Sound FX
+ Chiptune Arpeggios
+ and more 80s Video Game Goodness!

All presets are NKS ready to seamlessly integrate into the Native Instruments ecosystem.

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